Effective date: October 2023

Cookies Policy

We hereby inform our Users and/or Customers (hereinafter, “you”, “your”) that this website www.pdfinity.com (the/this “Website”) uses cookies. The following Cookie Policy explains the cookies used by this Website, owned and operated, as joint controllers, by the following companies (hereinafter the “Companies” or “We”):

  • WORLD MEDIA SOCIETY, S.L., a limited liability company registered in Barcelona, at Calle Balmes 191, 6th Floor and 1st Door (08006, Barcelona, Spain) and provided with Tax number B67533331.
  • INTER OP SERVICES LLC, a limited liability company Registered in West Palm Beach, At 700 S. Rosemary Ave Suite 204 West Palm Beach (33401, West Palm Beach, Florida) and provided with EIN number EIN 87-3683281.

This Cookie Policy applies to all Users and those visitors who access and navigate the Website.

This Cookies Policy may be updated at any time and without prior notice to the User, in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, according to business matters or because of changes in the features or functionalities of our Website. The new Cookies Policy will be applicable as soon as it is published on the Website. Therefore, the User and/or Customers acknowledges and accepts that it is their responsibility to periodically review the applicable Cookies Policy.

What Are Cookies and What Are They Used For?

“Cookies” are small files that are installed on the hard disk or in the browser of your computer or mobile device with different purposes, such as adapting the Website’s format according to the device you are using; collecting statistical information about our Website; facilitating your navigation on this Website; and allowing the reproduction and display of functionalities, multimedia content, among others.

The memorized data recorded by cookies takes up a small space on a device’s memory and does not harm the device in any way.

When Do We Install Cookies?

Accessing and/or browsing this Website and/or purchasing the Services offered therein implies that cookies can be installed, which may be session or persistent cookies, and our own or those of third parties.

  • Session cookies: are those that are automatically removed when closing the browser of your device.
  • Persistent cookies: are those that remain installed for a certain time in the browser of your device.
  • Owned cookies: are those that are sent to the User's device from our computer equipment or this Website, managed by us, and whose information is collected for our own purposes.
  • Third-party cookies: are those that are sent to the User's device from computer equipment or Website managed by another company (service providers we have contracted for this purpose) and whose information can be collected for our own purposes and/or to manage and improve the services that these third-party companies offer (e.g. links to social networks that allow us to share our content).

To install cookies in your device's browser, we need your express consent, although there are other cookies that are exempt from such consent. The exempt cookies are:

  • User Login Cookies
  • User Authentication or Identification Cookies (session cookies only)
  • User Security Cookies
  • Multimedia Player Session Cookies
  • Session Cookies to balance the load
  • Cookies to Customize the User interface
  • Some Add-on Cookies (plug-in) to exchange social content

We have enabled appropriate mechanisms to obtain your consent for the installation of cookies that require it. However, we inform you that, in accordance with the applicable regulations, (i) your consent will be understood to have been given if you modify your browser settings by deactivating the restrictions that prevent the installation of cookies and (ii) when the installation of cookies is necessary to provide you with a service offered on our Website that you have expressly requested from us, your consent will not be necessary.

The use of third party cookies is subject to the Cookie and Privacy Policies of such third parties. Therefore, you should consult the websites of such third parties for more information or if you wish to change your settings for these cookies. We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of such third party policies.

The following types of cookies can be installed in your browser:

  • Technical: cookies that enable the management and operation of our Website and allow its functions and services, for example, remembering the contracted service, carrying out the purchase process and managing the payment, or sharing content through social networks, etc.
  • Analytical: cookies that allow us to analyze your use of our Website and recognize what information and/or services you are most interested in in order to improve the quality of our services.
  • Personalization: cookies that allow us to remember information for you to access our Website with certain features that may differentiate your User experience from that of others, for example, the appearance of the Website depending on the type of browser, or the region from which you access the Website, etc.
Cookies name Owner Type Storage period
cookiesPolicy Owned Technical 30 days
app_id Owned Technical 30 days
address_token Owned Technical 30 days
pdfId Owned Technical 30 days
_vwo vwo Analytical 1 year
token Owned Technical Session
_ga Google Analytics Analytical 2 years
hj_ Hotjar Analytical From session to 1 year
utm_source Owned Analytical Session
utm_campaign Owned Analytical Session
utm_medium Owned Analytical Session
utm_term Owned Analytical Session
utm_content Owned Analytical Session

How Can the User Block or Refuse Cookies?

You may, at any time, revoke the consent given for the installation of cookies from this Website, by configuring the browser settings on your computer or mobile device. Instructions on how to manage or delete cookies for the most common browsers can be found at the following links:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Chrome for Android
  • Opera

Please note that should you choose to block, disable, or delete cookies, some features of this Website that require the use of cookies will not be available to you.

You can also configure the browser on your computer or mobile device to accept or reject by default all cookies, or to be notified of the receipt of cookies and decide at any time whether or not to allow the installation of cookies. In addition, you can activate the following options to limit the scope of the cookies installed or their operation:

  • private browsing, whereby your browser stops saving your browsing history, website passwords, cookies and other information from the pages you visit, or
  • the do-not-track function, whereby the browser asks the websites you visit not to track your browsing habits, for example, to provide you with advertising of interest to you on the sites you visit.

How Can You Reach Us?

If, at any time, you have any questions about the use of cookies on our Website, please feel free to contact us at info@pdfinity.com.