Effective date: June 2023

Terms of use content

These Terms of Use govern and regulate the conditions of access and use of our website www.pdfinity.com (the “Website”) owned and operated, as joint controllers, by the following companies (hereinafter the “Companies” or “We”):

  • WORLD MEDIA SOCIETY, S.L., a limited liability company registered in Barcelona, at Calle Balmes 191, 6th Floor and 1st Door (08006, Barcelona, Spain) and provided with Tax number B67533331.
  • INTER OP SERVICES LLC, a limited liability company Registered in West Palm Beach, At 700 S. Rosemary Ave Suite 204 West Palm Beach (33401, West Palm Beach, Florida) and provided with EIN number EIN 87-3683281.

The access and use of the Website attributes the status of User to the person accessing the Website (hereinafter “the User”, “you”, “your”). Such status implies full acceptance of the present Terms of Use. We recommend that you carefully read the following Terms of Use before using this Website. In the event that you do not agree to be bound by them, please do not continue to access or use this Website.

These Terms of Use may be updated at any time and without prior notice to the User, in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, according to business matters, or because of changes in the features or functionalities of our Website. The new Terms of Use will be applicable as soon as they are published on the Website. Therefore, the User acknowledges and accepts that it is their responsibility to periodically review the applicable Terms of Use.

The User accepts to use and navigate through this Website complying with all the in-force applicable laws and regulations, as well as in accordance with these Terms of Use.

Information and Website Services

The present Website can only be used by adults with legal capacity. Therefore, if you do not have the required legal age in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of your country, please do not visit or use this Website. In this sense, the Company reserves the right to block access to this Website to Users who do not comply with this requirement.

The Website offers its Users and/or Customers the following services:

  • PDF editing services including, but not limited to: (i) Conversion & Compression, (ii) Split, (iii) Convert from PDF, (iv) View and Edit PDF, and (v) Convert to PDF.
  • Filling in PDF forms through form field recognition, automatic form filling, and support for interactive form elements.
  • To be able to store your creations in your account and to review them as many times as you wish, without the file being modified.
  • Download the creations in PDF format and in high quality.
  • 24/7 multilingual Customer Service, which can be contacted by different means, which are duly indicated in the “Customer Service”.

Access to Services and Registration

The User can navigate and explore the content and Services offered by this Website free of charge, without creating an account or choosing a subscription plan. Nonetheless, in order to have full access to the Services and use them, the registration of the User will be mandatory with the consequent payment, otherwise the User could not access all of our Services.

Rules of Conduct

The User must use the Services, this Website, and its content in accordance with the present Terms of Use, the applicable laws and regulations currently in force, common decency, and public order at all times. While using the Website and the Services, the Users shall not conduct themselves in a manner that is harmful to the Company or to third parties. In particular, the Users/Customers shall not:

  • Make inappropriate or illicit use of the content on our Website, as well as of the information regarding the services offered by the Company, and/or use it to engage in illegal activities or those harmful to the interests or rights of the Company or of third parties;
  • Copy, distribute, modify or misappropriate of any element in this Website, especially those belonging to the Company or of any concept that the Company exploits within the framework of the Services, including marketing, transferring or otherwise giving access to the Services, information hosted on Applications or APIs, or any element belonging to the Company;
  • Harm the financial, commercial, or moral rights and interests of the Company;
  • Engage in any behavior that interferes with or hijacks the Company's computer systems or impairs its computer security measures;
  • Conduct activities that are contrary to public order and morality and unsuitable for a family audience, including promoting illegal, fraudulent or deceptive activities;
  • Infringe third party rights or any action that may be prejudicial to third parties in any way;
  • Infringe a contractual, legislative or regulatory provision;
  • Restrict or prevent any other User/Customer from using this Website;
  • Circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Website or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or that enforce limitations on the use of the Website;
  • Send or disseminate information, codes, or content that could reduce, harm, disturb or impede any User’s access or normal use of this Website, and/or damage or harm equipment belonging to the Company (like servers or networks connected to the Website) or to other Users. This includes but is not limited to malware, viruses, logic bombs, etc.;
  • Use, modify, create derivative works of, transfer (by sale, resale, license, sublicense, download, or otherwise), reproduce, publish, distribute, display, or disclose any content of this Website, without prior written authorization from the Company;
  • Impersonate another individual. The User can only include personal data corresponding to their own identity and that are adequate, pertinent, updated, exact, and true.

Also, the User agrees to respect the industrial and intellectual property rights owned by the Company and/or third parties. The Company reserves the right to block and/or suspend the access of Users who do not comply with the above obligations at any time and without notice, as well as to exercise all legal actions we deem appropriate to preserve our legitimate interests in order to maintain the quality, security, and availability of the present Website.

Limitation of Guarantees and Liability

The access and use of the present Website is at the User’s free decision, own risk, and responsibility. Despite this, the Company makes its best efforts to ensure the availability of the Website and the safe navigation of the User. However, access to this Website may be punctually interrupted by maintenance tasks and/or the upload of updates of the content and/or products offered through it. Also, we cannot guarantee that the Website will be maintained without interruptions, delays, errors, or omissions for reasons beyond our control, as well as for possible damages that may be caused by third parties through illegitimate intrusion beyond our control. The Company will exert its best efforts to keep the information regarding the characteristics of the products offered in this Website updated at all times. If you detect any inaccuracy, we ask you to please contact our Customer Service Team and warn them about it. Neither the Company, nor its partners, suppliers, employees, or representatives, will consequently be liable for any error or omission on the Website, or if the content and information of this Website is used by a User or a third party for unlawful purposes and/or to cause damage to third parties or to the Company’s reputation.

In addition, the Company will not assume any responsibility for the following circumstances that are beyond its reasonable control:

  • The Website will not be responsible for the updating, accuracy, veracity, or legality of the images used and/or stored by Users, nor for its use through the Website.
  • The Company will not be held responsible over the quality, accuracy, reliability, sincerity, integrity, or availability of the results created by the User and/or Customer.
  • The Users/Customers must ensure that the content uploaded by them or in any way used on the platform do not infringe third party rights, especially copyright, and that they are not illicit, degrading or demeaning, nor do they incorporate violent or abusive messages.
  • The Website does not guarantee the quality or appropriateness of the uploaded, consulted, or stored files that will, in any case, be the responsibility of the User, and the Company shall not be liable for direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising from non-attributable uses.

Likewise, please be aware that the Company will not be held responsible if:

  • You provide Us with a third party’s personal data without their prior express consent, such as when creating a file for a third person.
  • You provide Us with the personal data of a minor, and you are not their parent and/or legal guardian and/or you have not obtained the authorization of their parents or legal guardians to communicate the minor’s personal data with us.
  • You are a minor and you have included and/or provided your personal data to this Website or have communicated it to a third party’s and/or employer’s website(s) without the prior express written consent of your parents or legal guardians.

In general, the Company shall not be liable for any use of the Website by Users/Customers that is contrary to applicable law, for which the User/Customer shall indemnify the Company against all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or related to the breach of any of the provisions of these Terms of Use. In addition, the Company reserves the right to take any measures to prevent the adoption of such conduct.

The Company will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the breach of these Terms by the User. The User and/or Customer will respond to the Company and/or to corresponding third parties for any damages that could be caused as a result of the breach of their commitments and/or obligations set forth in the present Terms of Use.

Intellectual Property Rights

www.pdfinity.com is a trademark and a domain registered by the Companies. Therefore, it may not be used by third parties in connection with products/services other than those offered on this Website and/or in any way that may cause confusion among our Users and/or discredit the Company.

The totality of the elements contained on this Website, whether it be texts, articles, descriptions, images, graphics, sounds, videos, brands, logos, trademarks, buttons, software, interactive features, or any other element, its structure and design, the selection and presentation of the content and elements included therein, and the software necessary for its operation, access, and utilization are protected by current legislation on industrial and intellectual property, and they are the property of the Company and/or of third parties that have authorized the Company its use and with whom we have submitted the corresponding licenses, being expressly prohibited its exploitation without the authorization of the Company. All the elements of the present Website are protected by intellectual property rights and must be respected by all Users. Likewise, note that we also warn about this matter on our Website with a copyright notice.

The access and use of this Website does not imply under any circumstance the transfer to the User or customer of the Company’s intellectual property rights, nor the granting of a license or authorization. It is strictly forbidden to add hyperlinks, as well as any type of exploitation — including reproduction, distribution, and transfer to third parties, public communications and transformation, creations, and/or distinctive signs — without the express authorization of their respective owners.

Any use of the protected elements of this Website with or without commercial purposes that represents a failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute an infringement punishable under the Intellectual Property Law and other applicable laws. The Company reserves the right to take as many legal actions as deemed appropriate in order to preserve its legitimate interests and rights against Users or third parties who infringe the Company's intellectual property rights in any way.

Moreover, note that the Company reserves all intellectual property rights that are not expressly indicated in these Terms and that correspond to us in accordance with the currently applicable laws and regulations.


The Company is firmly committed to the privacy of Users and Customers. The personal data collected for the provision of the Services offered through this Website, as well as those obtained from the navigation and/or use of this Website, will be processed in accordance with the provisions of our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.

The Company has adopted the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and security of the personal data processed.

Jurisdiction and Applicable Laws

These Terms shall be governed by the current applicable Spanish legislation.

In case of controversy or disagreement between the User and the Company arising from these Terms, both parties agree to submit their resolution of their free choice and expressly waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled, to the competent Courts and Tribunals of the place of residence of the customer.

The nullity, total or partial, of any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, will not affect the validity of the other provisions.

The non-exercise by the Company of any right provided or derived from these Terms shall not be construed, under any circumstances, as a waiver of said right, unless expressly and in writing waived by our Company or legal prescription of the action that in each case corresponds according to the applicable current legislation.